job to be done

Marketing Canvas - Listening to

Marketing Canvas - Listening to

In today's digitally connected world, the importance of listening to customers has never been more paramount. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the process of establishing an effective Voice of Customer (VoC) system. It lays the groundwork for understanding why listening is crucial, how to listen effectively, and how to translate customer feedback into actionable insights. The guide also offers tips for choosing the right tools for the task, provides a step-by-step assessment for evaluating your listening methods, and even includes a real-world case study to demonstrate these principles in action. In a world where customer satisfaction drives business success, this guide will arm you with the knowledge you need to ensure that your customers always feel heard.

Marketing Canvas - Proofs

Marketing Canvas - Proofs

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the concept of "proofs" in marketing - the crucial elements that make your value proposition compelling and credible. We delve into various types of proofs such as studies, expert recognition, social proof, and certifications, demonstrating how each contributes to a solid marketing strategy. To illustrate this concept, we look at a real-world example of a company that successfully utilized proofs. The guide also includes a unique framework for evaluating and improving your proofs, helping you fine-tune your marketing strategy. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or an entrepreneur starting your marketing journey, this guide provides practical insights that can enhance your marketing effectiveness.

Marketing Canvas - Emotions

Marketing Canvas - Emotions

Today, differentiation comes through emotions and not functional features. Especially, if you look at it from the Experience Economy (from Gilmore and Pine) [1]. Do you know if you deliver the right emotional features? Can you leverage more the emotional dimensions in your value proposition for creating value? Answering yes means that you can create extra value through the emotional dimension of your value proposition

Marketing Canvas - Pains and Gains

Marketing Canvas - Pains and Gains

Grasp the transformative power of the Pains & Gains concept in your marketing strategy. This comprehensive guide helps you navigate this vital sub-dimension of the Marketing Canvas, offering practical tools for identification and strategies for actionable insights. Enhance your value proposition, elevate customer experiences, and drive your business success by understanding and addressing your customers' Pains & Gains.

Marketing Canvas - Aspirations

Marketing Canvas - Aspirations


Understanding 'ASPIRATIONS' is a crucial aspect of the Marketing Canvas approach. 'ASPIRATIONS' delve into customers' deeper dreams and ideal visions, aiding in effective brand positioning and stronger customer relationships. By aligning with customer aspirations, brands can foster a loyal customer base. Complementing 'Job To Be Done', understanding 'ASPIRATIONS' allows brands to offer solutions that help customers realize their utopian visions, contributing significantly to achieving business goals.

Marketing Canvas - Job To Be Done

Marketing Canvas - Job To Be Done

Unlock success in marketing with a deeper understanding of the 'Job to be Done' concept. Explore its principles, application, evaluation, and a real-world Green Clean use case.