owned media

Marketing Canvas - Media

Marketing Canvas - Media

This comprehensive guide delves deep into the role of media in marketing, helping entrepreneurs and marketers, novice or experienced, understand the subtleties of different media channels and how they can be leveraged for success. We explore Owned, Earned, Shared, and Paid media, providing examples and practical tips for each. This guide also outlines how to translate these theories into effective actions and offers a scoring system for evaluating your current media strategy. It covers potential reasons behind scores and offers insights for strategic improvement. The article concludes with a case study from Green Clean to illustrate how a well-executed media strategy can propel a business forward. This guide serves as an essential read for anyone looking to harness the power of media in their marketing strategy.

Marketing Budget in the Marketing Canvas

Marketing Budget in the Marketing Canvas

Long story short, you should as a marketing leader be mastering the budgeting exercise. I am saying Mastering on purpose because it has a tremendous impact on your professional daily life! Not easy! Scared! Don't know where to start. This article might help you.