Artificial Intelligence

We are entering in a new world, Are you ready?

We are entering in a new world, Are you ready?

Some inspirations for helping you to understand that the world of tomorrow will CERTAINLY NOT be like today. 3rd industrial revolution, 4th industrial revolution, industry 4.0, World in 2050

AI is Changing Marketing

Excellent article from Andrew Stephen on Forbes about Artificial Intelligence and how it is changing Marketing. 4 main highlights (extracted from the article I invite you to read)

Marketers, How Technology Enhances Creativity?

Technology does not quell creativity, in fact, there’s a great deal of evidence that suggests that technology enhances creativity.  Certainly, we are expected to be more creative in our working lives than a generation ago.  The truth is that by expanding possibilities and automating part of the creative process, we can all be more creative and productive.